How We Raise Our Chickens

Hormones and Steroids

George’s does not utilize hormones or steroids in raising chickens, in accordance with federal law.


George’s only uses antibiotics when we believe it is necessary to maintain the health and well-being of our chickens. We know that antibiotic resistance is a global health concern; therefore, we do not routinely use antibiotics important for human medicine in treating our chickens. Sometimes animals do get sick, and when this happens, we will provide Food & Drug Administration approved treatments, as prescribed by a board certified poultry veterinarian.

Animal Well-Being

George’s is committed to the ethical treatment of animals, and utilizes the National Chicken Council’s (NCC) animal welfare guidelines for broiler chickens. These guidelines are in place to ensure broiler chickens are properly cared for and treated with respect throughout their lives. George’s also expects the growers with whom we contract to comply with these guidelines, which lay out best practices in the following areas: housing; density; feed; water; veterinary attention; proper handling; humane slaughter; breeding; inoculation; and ventilation. For details on the NCC guidelines, please visit NCC’s website at  George’s requires all employees who work with animals and all independent contract growers to undergo annual training on George’s animal welfare policy.

To learn more about how chickens are raised visit

Learn more about how chickens are raised and check out the Day in the Life video series. Follow along as we explore the first day baby chicks arrive on the farm to when they are transported to processing seven weeks later.